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We Are the Body Experts!

The success of any procedure begins with thorough communication. Through open communication, we can not only help you develop more defined and realistic goals, but we can help you become more educated about the details of a procedure and its effect on your body. Before we begin any procedure, Dr. Glunk carefully explains the benefits and any associated risks with your surgery. Every surgery is customized to meet your specific needs. As a result, the exact procedure may differ slightly from the descriptions given. Below you'll find information and case examples of the body procedures we offer.


Liposuction is a very effective plastic surgery procedure for improving the body's contour and proportion. The goal of liposuction is to produce a more flattering figure by removing subcutaneous fat stores, which may be resistant to exercise and diet. Generally, we use liposuction to target the abdomen, waist, thighs, hips, upper arms, inner knees, and calves.

Most of our patients who undergo liposuction are of normal to above average weight who desire modest contour changes. The procedure is performed by inserting a small tube, called a cannula, into tiny incisions of the skin in the target area. Fat deposits are then carefully suctioned out through the cannula to create a smoother and more toned look. General anesthesia is normally used for maximum patient comfort and safety. Liposuction is performed on an outpatient basis with the patient being sent home in a compression garment to suit the revised area. Post-surgery discomfort is easily managed with oral pain medication. Contact Dr. Glunk to find out if you are a candidate for liposuction.

Additional plastic surgery procedures that complement liposuction are abdominoplasty, breast reduction, breast augmentation, thigh lift, and body lift.











Ultrasonic Liposuction

Ultrasonic liposuction is based on the same principle of traditional liposuction, but with a slightly different twist. Ultrasonic liposuction employs ultra high-pitched sound waves to essentially loosen fat cells for easier removal. Ultrasonic liposuction has become increasingly popular since its initial development nearly 20 years ago. Modern innovations in ultrasonic equipment make the procedure safer and more efficient than ever. Dr. Glunk will explain the procedure in greater detail to answer any questions you may have and help you determine if ultrasonic liposuction is right for you.


SmartLipo uses laser transmitted through small cannulas to melt the fat. Contact Dr. Glunk to find out if you are a candidate.


Abdominoplasty, also called tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure used to remove excess skin and fat from the abdominal area. Abdominoplasty is generally employed to achieve dramatic results in slimming down a protruding abdomen that is stubbornly resistant to exercise. The best candidates are those who are in relatively good physical shape. Abdominoplasty can be particularly helpful to women who have had multiple pregnancies or those who have simply experienced a loss of skin elasticity with age.

Abdominoplasty usually involves making a surgical incision across the lower abdomen and lifting the abdominal skin upward to separate it from the abdominal wall. The excess skin is trimmed while the abdominal muscles are pulled closer together to create a tightened, firmer abdomen. The skin flap is pulled down, the navel is relocated to a natural position, and the incisions are sutured. Compressive dressings are applied for improved healing.

Dr. Glunk will adjust the procedure to meet your specific needs. He will thoroughly explain the procedure so that you will have a clear picture of what to expect and how to prepare for the big day.







Bariatric Surgery

Body Lift

Body lift, also known as belt lipectomy, removes tissue on the body that has lost its elasticity as a result of age or extreme weight loss. Body lift involves more surgery than abdominoplasty and is used to target more general areas that may include the lower torso, upper legs, back, and buttocks. The goal of the body lift is to achieve a balanced aesthetic that cannot be achieved by abdominoplasty alone. The specific surgery techniques vary according to the objectives of each patient and will be discussed at length to determine the best course of action.

Belt Lipectomy

Upper Arm Lift

Arm lift is a surgical procedure designed to trim the upper arms by removing loose skin and excess fat deposits. Incisions are generally made in the armpit or on the inside the arm starting in the armpit and leading to the elbow. This allows the doctor to work in an inconspicuous area to remove the desired tissue for a slimmer look. In some cases, Dr. Glunk may recommend liposuction as an alternative or in conjunction with the upper arm lift such as ultrasonic liposuction.

Thigh Lift

Thigh lift is often associated with buttock lift as they target complementary areas. Thigh lift is very effective for creating tighter, more attractive contours and smoothing dimpled or uneven skin in the hip and buttock areas.

The inner thigh lift procedure requires short incisions extending from the thigh and groin crease to the buttock crease. An entire thigh lift uses longer incisions that start at the buttock crease and extend around the groin. After the incisions are made, the skin is lifted upward and excess tissue is removed. Dr. Glunk pays careful attention to the placement of incisions. This is to enable any scars or permanent skin discoloration to be hidden under clothing lines.

An additional procedure that may accentuate thigh lift is liposuction.


Gynecomastia is a male-specific procedure that removes excess tissue from the chest or breast area. Excess male breast tissue is attributed to either fat deposits or overactive male mammary glands. In the majority of cases, ultrasonic liposuction is employed to reduce the size and sculpt the shape of the male breast to a more natural contour. Rarely, patients may require larger incisions. Dr. Glunk will discuss your options in depth with you to determine the most successful technique.




Thermage’s Body Shape procedure can help tighten, firm, and shape the body without surgery or injections with no downtime. Thermage has also been cleared by the FDA for the treatment of cellulite.